
Gene: NFIA

Green List (high evidence)

NFIA (nuclear factor I A)
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh38): ENSG00000162599
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh37): ENSG00000162599
OMIM: 600727, Gene2Phenotype
NFIA is in 6 panels

2 reviews

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Green List (high evidence)

Mode of inheritance
MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted

Craniosynostosis MONDO:0015469, NFIA-related

Calder Hamill (Monash Health)

I don't know

A gene which has growing evidence in its association with craniosynostosis, most recently subject to review in in Tooze, R.S.; Calpena, E.; Weber, A.; Wilson, L.C.; Twigg, S.R.F.; Wilkie, A.O.M. Review of Recurrently Mutated Genes in Craniosynostosis Supports Expansion of Diagnostic Gene Panels. Genes 2023, 14, 615. genes14030615
> Four patients with craniosynostosis in independent families reported in the four papers below.
>> deletion of 7765kb including this entire gene - craniosynostosis in chromosome 1p32-p31 deletion syndrome (Yoon 2019)
>> del 1p32.3p31.2, g.53675707_66644963del- 13Mb del including the NFIA gene. (Tonne 2021)

> Recently given green gene status in UK Panel App (2023)

1. Yoon, J.G.; Hahn, H.M.; Choi, S.; Kim, S.J.; Aum, S.; Yu, J.W.; Park, E.K.; Shim, K.W.; Lee, M.G.; Kim, Y.O. Molecular Diagnosis of Craniosynostosis Using Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing. Neurosurgery 2020, 87, 294–302. [
2. Tønne, E.; Due-Tønnessen, B.J.; Mero, I.L.; Wiig, U.S.; Kulseth, M.A.; Vigeland, M.D.; Sheng, Y.; von der Lippe, C.; Tveten, K.; Meling, T.R.; et al. Benefits of clinical criteria and high-throughput sequencing for diagnosing children with syndromic craniosynostosis. Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 2021, 29, 920–929.
3. Chen, J.; Zhang, P.; Peng, M.; Liu, B.; Wang, X.; Du, S.; Lu, Y.; Mu, X.; Lu, Y.; Wang, S.; et al. An additional whole-exome sequencing study in 102 panel-undiagnosed patients: A retrospective study in a Chinese craniosynostosis cohort. Front. Genet. 2022, 13, 967688.
4. Tønne, E.; Due-Tønnessen, B.J.; Vigeland, M.D.; Amundsen, S.S.; Ribarska, T.; Asten, P.M.; Sheng, Y.; Helseth, E.; Gilfillan, G.D.; Mero, I.L.; et al. Whole-exome sequencing in syndromic craniosynostosis increases diagnostic yield and identifies candidate genes in osteogenic signaling pathways. Am. J. Med. Genet. A 2022, 188, 1464–1475. [CrossRef] [PubMed]

Note also the additional case report:
Bayat, Allana; Kirchhoff, Mariab; Madsen, Camilla G.d; Roos, Laurab; Kreiborg, Svenc,e. Familial craniofacial abnormality and polymicrogyria associated with a microdeletion affecting the NFIA gene. Clinical Dysmorphology 26(3):p 148-153, July 2017. | DOI: 10.1097/MCD.0000000000000182

Have not provided a high evidence review out of caution that some of the reported mutations have been microdeletions
Sources: Literature
Created: 9 Apr 2023, 2:04 a.m.

Mode of inheritance
MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, imprinted status unknown




Mode of Inheritance
MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, imprinted status unknown
  • Expert Review Green
  • Craniosynostosis MONDO:0015469, NFIA-related
Clinvar variants
Variants in NFIA
Panels with this gene

History Filter Activity

3 May 2023, Gel status: 3

Entity classified by Genomics England curator

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Gene: nfia has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).

3 May 2023, Gel status: 3

Set Phenotypes

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Phenotypes for gene: NFIA were changed from Craniosynostosis to Craniosynostosis MONDO:0015469, NFIA-related

3 May 2023, Gel status: 3

Entity classified by Genomics England curator

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Gene: nfia has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).

9 Apr 2023, Gel status: 0

Created, Added New Source, Set mode of inheritance, Set publications, Set Phenotypes, Set penetrance

Calder Hamill (Monash Health)

gene: NFIA was added gene: NFIA was added to Craniosynostosis. Sources: Literature Mode of inheritance for gene: NFIA was set to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, imprinted status unknown Publications for gene: NFIA were set to 36980886 Phenotypes for gene: NFIA were set to Craniosynostosis Penetrance for gene: NFIA were set to Incomplete Review for gene: NFIA was set to AMBER