Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation

Gene: PIGB

Green List (high evidence)

PIGB (phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class B)
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh38): ENSG00000069943
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh37): ENSG00000069943
OMIM: 604122, Gene2Phenotype
PIGB is in 4 panels

1 review

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Green List (high evidence)

10 unrelated families with biallelic mutations in PIGB, with global DD and/or ID, and seizures. Two had polymicrogyria, 4 had a peripheral neuropathy, and 2 had a clinical diagnosis of DOORS syndrome. Patient lymphocytes and fibroblasts showed variably decreased levels of cell surface GPI-anchored proteins, including CD16 and CD59. In vitro functional expression studies performed with some of the mutations in PIGB-null CHO cells showed that the mutant proteins were unable to fully restore expression of GPI-anchored surface proteins, consistent with a loss of function, although the mutations had variable effects.
Sources: Expert list
Created: 28 Nov 2020, 3:53 a.m.

Mode of inheritance
BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal

Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 80 618580



Mode of Inheritance
BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal
  • Expert Review Green
  • Expert list
  • Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 80 618580
Clinvar variants
Variants in PIGB
Panels with this gene

History Filter Activity

28 Nov 2020, Gel status: 3

Entity classified by Genomics England curator

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Gene: pigb has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).

28 Nov 2020, Gel status: 3

Entity classified by Genomics England curator

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Gene: pigb has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).

28 Nov 2020, Gel status: 1

Created, Added New Source, Set mode of inheritance, Set publications, Set Phenotypes

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

gene: PIGB was added gene: PIGB was added to Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation. Sources: Expert list Mode of inheritance for gene: PIGB was set to BIALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal Publications for gene: PIGB were set to 31256876 Phenotypes for gene: PIGB were set to Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 80 618580 Review for gene: PIGB was set to GREEN