Familial Generalised Epilepsy

Gene: SLC2A1

Green List (high evidence)

SLC2A1 (solute carrier family 2 member 1)
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh38): ENSG00000117394
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh37): ENSG00000117394
OMIM: 138140, Gene2Phenotype
SLC2A1 is in 19 panels

0 reviews

History Filter Activity

11 Nov 2021, Gel status: 3

Created, Added New Source, Set mode of inheritance, Set Phenotypes

Bryony Thompson (Royal Melbourne Hospital)

gene: SLC2A1 was added gene: SLC2A1 was added to Familial Generalised Epilepsy. Sources: Expert Review Green,GREP Mode of inheritance for gene: SLC2A1 was set to BOTH monoallelic and biallelic, autosomal or pseudoautosomal Phenotypes for gene: SLC2A1 were set to {Epilepsy, idiopathic generalized, susceptibility to, 12} 614847