Vascular Malformations_Germline

Gene: KRAS

Red List (low evidence)

KRAS (KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase)
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh38): ENSG00000133703
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh37): ENSG00000133703
OMIM: 190070, Gene2Phenotype
KRAS is in 21 panels

1 review

Bryony Thompson (Royal Melbourne Hospital)

Green List (high evidence)

Comment on list classification: Somatic activating mutations are the cause of vascular malformations in this gene, thus it is not suitable to include on a germline testing panel.
Created: 20 Jan 2020, 11:32 p.m. | Last Modified: 20 Jan 2020, 11:32 p.m.
Panel Version: 0.22
Somatic activating mutations in this gene cause sporadic vascular malformations, particularly CNS AVMs. Germline mutations cause RASopathies.
Sources: Expert list
Created: 20 Jan 2020, 11:31 p.m.

Mode of inheritance

Arteriovenous malformation of the brain, somatic 108010; Vascular malformation


Mode of pathogenicity

History Filter Activity

2 Jun 2020, Gel status: 1

Entity classified by Genomics England curator

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Gene: kras has been classified as Red List (Low Evidence).

20 Jan 2020, Gel status: 1

Entity classified by Genomics England curator

Bryony Thompson (Royal Melbourne Hospital)

Gene: kras has been classified as Red List (Low Evidence).

20 Jan 2020, Gel status: 1

Created, Added New Source, Added Tag, Set mode of inheritance, Set publications, Set Phenotypes, Set mode of pathogenicity

Bryony Thompson (Royal Melbourne Hospital)

gene: KRAS was added gene: KRAS was added to Inherited Vascular Malformations. Sources: Expert list somatic tags were added to gene: KRAS. Mode of inheritance for gene: KRAS was set to Other Publications for gene: KRAS were set to 30677207; 30544177; 31160609 Phenotypes for gene: KRAS were set to Arteriovenous malformation of the brain, somatic 108010; Vascular malformation Mode of pathogenicity for gene: KRAS was set to Other Review for gene: KRAS was set to GREEN