Hypertension and Aldosterone disorders

Gene: CUL3

Green List (high evidence)

CUL3 (cullin 3)
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh38): ENSG00000036257
EnsemblGeneIds (GRCh37): ENSG00000036257
OMIM: 603136, Gene2Phenotype
CUL3 is in 10 panels

1 review

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Green List (high evidence)

Gene is associated with two distinct phenotypes: a neurodevelopmental phenotype likely related to LoF variants (ID, seizures, autism, congenital heart disease) and pseudohypoaldosteronism type IIE (PHA2E). PHA2E-associated variants are clustered around exon 9, most lead to skipping of exon 9 and produce an in-frame deletion of 57 aa in the cullin homology domain. Few (probably 3) missense variants in exon 9 have also been reported. Individuals with PHA2E do not display DD/ID and conversely individuals with NDD did not display features of PHA2E.
Created: 8 May 2020, 10:32 p.m. | Last Modified: 8 May 2020, 10:32 p.m.
Panel Version: 0.12

Mode of inheritance
MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted

Pseudohypoaldosteronism, type IIE, MIM# 614496



Mode of Inheritance
MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted
  • Expert Review Green
  • KidGen_AldoHypertension v38.1.0
  • Pseudohypoaldosteronism, type IIE, MIM# 614496
Clinvar variants
Variants in CUL3
Panels with this gene

History Filter Activity

8 May 2020, Gel status: 3

Entity classified by Genomics England curator

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Gene: cul3 has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).

8 May 2020, Gel status: 3

Set Phenotypes

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Phenotypes for gene: CUL3 were changed from Pseudohypoaldosteronism, type IIE, MIM# 614496 to Pseudohypoaldosteronism, type IIE, MIM# 614496

8 May 2020, Gel status: 3

Set Phenotypes

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Phenotypes for gene: CUL3 were changed from to Pseudohypoaldosteronism, type IIE, MIM# 614496

8 May 2020, Gel status: 3

Set publications

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Publications for gene: CUL3 were set to

8 May 2020, Gel status: 3

Set mode of inheritance

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

Mode of inheritance for gene: CUL3 was changed from Unknown to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted

17 Nov 2019, Gel status: 3

Created, Added New Source, Set mode of inheritance

Zornitza Stark (Victorian Clinical Genetics Services; Australian Genomics)

gene: CUL3 was added gene: CUL3 was added to Renal hypertension and disorders of aldosterone metabolism_KidGen. Sources: Expert Review Green,KidGen_AldoHypertension v38.1.0 Mode of inheritance for gene: CUL3 was set to Unknown