Palmoplantar Keratoderma and Erythrokeratoderma
Gene: GJB6
Clouston syndrome can present with palmoplantar keratodema.
PMID: 23219093;
- het missense p.(Gly11Arg) in a Clouston syndrome family with 3 affecteds
PMID: 1941625;
- 1x proband with mild palmoplantar keratoderma, severe sensorineural hearing loss, knuckle pads and pseudoainhum of her toes
> het for p.(Gly59Arg)
PMID: 27137747;
- 1x large Chinese family (25 affecteds) with Clouston syndrome
- authors noted the hyperkeratosis of the palms and soles is more sever in elderly patients than in younger ones
> het missense p.(Ala88Val)Created: 12 Aug 2020, 4:48 a.m. | Last Modified: 12 Aug 2020, 4:48 a.m.
Panel Version: 0.8
Mode of inheritance
MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, imprinted status unknown
Ectodermal dysplasia 2, Clouston type (MIM# 129500)
Gene: gjb6 has been classified as Green List (High Evidence).
Phenotypes for gene: GJB6 were changed from to Ectodermal dysplasia 2, Clouston type (MIM# 129500)
Publications for gene: GJB6 were set to
Mode of inheritance for gene: GJB6 was changed from Unknown to MONOALLELIC, autosomal or pseudoautosomal, NOT imprinted
gene: GJB6 was added gene: GJB6 was added to Palmoplantar keratoderma and erythrokeratoderma_VCGS. Sources: Expert Review Green,Victorian Clinical Genetics Services Mode of inheritance for gene: GJB6 was set to Unknown